Infrastructure setup
Before we start
Yeti offers two installation methods: Kubernetes (K8s) or
Docker (through docker-compose
). Choose your preferred
method and follow the instructions in this guide.
Using Kubernetes / minikube
Kubernetes (k8s) / minikube will get you started in no time, thanks to the OSDFIR Helm chart (you can read more about it here). If you are new to Kubernetes, consider reviewing the OSDFIR Infrastructure getting started guide.
To get started, ensure you have Helm and Kubectl installed and are authenticated to your Kubernetes cluster.
Pull chart and install release
Once complete, add the repo containing the Helm charts as follows:
helm repo add osdfir-charts
If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update
to retrieve
the latest versions of the packages. You can then run
helm search repo osdfir-charts
to see the available charts.
To install the Yeti and Timesketch chart, pick a release name of your choice,
for example, using a release name of my-release
, run the following:
helm install my-release osdfir-charts/osdfir-infrastructure \
--set global.turbinia.enabled=false
--set global.turbinia.enabled
disables the Turbinia deployment
from being installed given it is not being used as part of this guide and is
enabled by default otherwise.To uninstall the chart:
helm uninstall my-release
For instructions on installing Yeti along with other integrated DFIR tools, refer to the main OSDFIR Infrastructure repository. Additionally, refer to the Yeti Helm chart README for a comprehensive list of configuration options.
That’s it!
You’re now ready to start your investigation with Timesketch and Yeti. Head to the investigation steps to follow the rest of the guide.
Using Docker and docker compose
- You’ll be running two set of docker compose “projects”. One for Yeti, and one for Timesketch;
- You’ll connect the Timesketch and Yeti containers to the same network;
- ALL of the
docker compose
commands need to be run in the directory that have adocker-compose.yaml
You can cleanup everything at the end of the workshop by doing
docker compose down
on each project’s respective docker compose directory.
To stay organized, we recommend you create a directory called
and run all these commands from there.
Installing Yeti
Get a release docker image started:
git clone
cd yeti-docker/prod
docker compose -p yeti up
You can use the --no-cache
option in the docker compose up
command to
rebuild the images from scratch.
# If you're running an outdated version of Yeti
# pull the latest images:
docker pull yetiplatform/yeti-frontend:latest
docker pull yetiplatform/yeti:latest
This will create and run the latest release Yeti containers, and start a web service running on http://localhost:80/. You can check the service is up now, but you’ll need to create a user to continue:
docker compose -p yeti exec -it api / create-user yeti yeti --admin
The output should contain the line:
User yeti successfully created! API key: yeti:<APIKEY>
Head to http://localhost:80/ and log in with the credentials of the user you just created. Take note of that API key, as it will be used by Timesketch in the next step.
Installing Timesketch
We’re going to be using a development version of Timesketch, start by cloning the Timesketch repository:
git clone
Edit timesketch/data/timesketch.conf
to point to our deployed Yeti instance
# Threatintel Yeti analyzer-specific configuration
# URI root to Yeti's API, e.g. 'https://localhost:8080/api'
YETI_API_ROOT = 'http://yeti-frontend/api/v2'
# API key to authenticate requests
YETI_API_KEY = 'c90811fd5cd0978e2c2672332cfc712503725863c63885e90db4afe1070c5b21' # API key from previous step
# Labels to narrow down indicator selection
YETI_INDICATOR_LABELS = ['domain'] # unused
Go to the docker directory, and run docker compose up:
cd timesketch/docker/dev
docker compose -p timesketch up
This can take a moment. After a few minutes, you should see:
timesketch-dev | Timesketch development server is ready!
Then open two terminals (it’s a good idea to use tmux or something similar), and run the following commands:
Shell 1:
cd timesketch/docker/dev
docker compose -p timesketch exec timesketch gunicorn --reload -b --log-file - --timeout 120 timesketch.wsgi:application
This will start the Timesketch web server.
Shell 2:
cd timesketch/docker/dev
docker compose -p timesketch exec timesketch celery -A timesketch.lib.tasks.celery worker --loglevel=info
This will start the Timesketch Celery workers, which are used to import plaso files and run analyzers.
Open http://localhost:5000 or and login with dev
/ dev
Connecting Yeti and Timesketch
Docker network connectivity
List networks in your Docker environment:
$ docker network ls
e0e2da34fe54 bridge bridge local
aff34be18958 host host local
4ef6dd47f376 none null local
d5c1f8727703 timesketch_default bridge local
82ac0824ce2a yeti_network bridge local
→ Docker compose network for our Timesketch compose project. The network name prefix was specified in the-p
flag when running thedocker compose up
→ Docker compose network for Yeti. The name of the network was specified in the Yetidocker-compose.yaml
Inspect the Yeti network:
docker network inspect yeti_network
This section should be somewhere in the output of the above command:
"Containers": {
"e5ffa7aa1929d407f69422ef0a4d6e6fc52317907f2cee32420f1326402c2084": {
"Name": "yeti-frontend",
"EndpointID": "3ec358652ed8d96111d44326770e8d2f73a4462fdbe7552d5e57cb894ed886cc",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:1e:00:06",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"f6f096d206d94c257d353904e15ffa914c542a9e3688ebd49bb8cdd67358f2a3": {
"Name": "yeti-tasks",
"EndpointID": "58380dc3312692970f3421bb1663e5f4cf7982bfbbf793092634013d947eaedc",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:1e:00:05",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
Connect the yeti-tasks
and yeti-frontend
to timesketch_default
Timesketch network). We need this so that:
- The Timesketch server can query the Yeti API server (running on
); - The Yeti task service (running on
) can feed off the Timesketch API.
docker network connect timesketch_default yeti-tasks
docker network connect timesketch_default yeti-frontend
You should see these two containers in the result of
docker network inspect timesketch_default
Optional: You can test that the hosts can ping each other by doing
docker exec -it yeti-frontend /bin/bash
apt update && apt install inetutils-ping -y
ping timesketch-dev
, what you see in the result of docker ps -a
) or by
“service name” in the respective compose file (e.g. frontend
)That’s it!
You’re now ready to start your investigation with Timesketch and Yeti. Head to the investigation steps to follow the rest of the guide.
Getting GRR set up (optional)
Good docs at
Installing the GRR server
docker run \
--name grr-server \
-e EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME=localhost \
-p -p \
Wait a few minutes, and you should be good to go (this takes a while)
Installing GRR clients
You can either install GRR clients on the docker container itself, or any host
you want, provided that they can reach the server through the
variable you provided above.
docker exec -it grr-server /bin/bash
root@b7d5a20b496e:/usr/share/grr-server/executables/installers# ls -la
total 117152
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 18 12:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 18 11:56 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34287616 Oct 18 11:58 GRR_3.4.6.7_amd64.msi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34287616 Oct 18 11:59 dbg_GRR_3.4.6.7_amd64.msi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 914 Oct 18 11:57 grr_3.4.6.7_amd64.changes
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17655240 Oct 18 11:57 grr_3.4.6.7_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16904836 Oct 18 11:57 grr_3.4.6.7_amd64.pkg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16805741 Oct 18 12:00 grr_3.4.6.7_amd64.rpm
You can either:
- Install one of these on the server (the already running docker container)
If the Docker install doesn’t make the client appear on your client list, launch it manually:
/usr/sbin/grrd --config=/usr/lib/grr/grr_3.4.6.7_amd64/grrd.yaml
- or just copy one of the clients and run it on your host.
docker cp grr-server:/usr/share/grr-server/executables/installers/grr_3.4.6.7_amd64.pkg /tmp
- or head to http://localhost:8000/#/manage-binaries and pick the one for your platform.
Then connect the grr-server
to the rest of your network:
docker network connect dev_default grr-server
Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: address already in use
This means you have a service listening on a port required by the container. It’s common that this happens if you have other docker containers running, or SSH tunneling with port forwarding going on. VSCode will sometimes forward ports for you if you’re doing remote development.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'timesketch'
Just retry the command (the installation happens after the docker container is launched, so it may take a few seconds before the python scripts are done installing)
"Service "tasks" is not running" when running a Docker compose command
It probably means you’re running the command from a directory that doesn’t contain a docker compose file (or that contains the wrong docker compose file). Double-check the directories:
for all things Yeti relatedtimesketch/docker/dev/
for all things Timesketch related