Updating Yeti

Updating Yeti

Make sure to look at the release notes for any breaking changes, and adjust steps accordingly!
  1. Backup your database
sudo docker compose run --rm -v $(pwd)/backup:/backup arangodb arangodump --server.endpoint tcp://a
rangodb:8529 --server.database yeti --output-directory /backup --overwrite true
  1. Backup your configuration file
sudo docker cp api:/app/yeti.conf /path/to/backup
  1. Stop the containers
cd yeti-docker/prod && sudo docker compose down
  1. Update
  • git pull will pull in the latest changes to the Docker compose setup (effectively changing your infrastructure, so be mindful of any breaking changes).
  • docker compose pull will pull in the latest images for the Yeti services, this should be safer to update but we still recommend to read the release notes before updating.
git pull
sudo docker compose pull
  1. Start the containers
sudo docker compose up -d
  1. (optional) Restore database
sudo docker compose run --rm -v $(pwd)/backup:/backup arangodb arangorestore --server.endpoint tcp://arangodb:8529 --input-directory /backup --server.database yeti --overwrite true
  1. Restore configuration file
sudo docker ps yeti.conf api:/app/
sudo docker ps yeti.conf tasks:/app/
  1. Restart containers
sudo docker compose restarts tasks api