Getting started

Getting started

This section describes how to get an instance of Yeti up and running in no time. Executed on a server, it will open a port on


The supported install method for Yeti is using its dedicated Docker containers. To install Yeti, you need to have the following tools installed on your system:

$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.25.0


1. Start Docker containers

git clone
cd yeti-docker/prod

Check out the .env file and adjust default settings if needed (e.g. YETI_AUTH_SECRET_KEY)

/bin/bash ./

or, if you know what you’re doing:

docker compose up

This should get Yeti up and running on port http://localhost:80/. The docker compose file starts up 4 containers:

  • api - The API server, where most of the Yeti system runs; ()
  • frontend - the web frontend, served by nginx; ()
  • tasks - a Celery scheduler;
  • redis - a Redis server;
  • arangodb - an ArangoDB server.

It will also create a Docker network called yeti_network through which all containers can talk to one another.

2. Create an admin user

You’ll need to create an admin user to be able to log into the Yeti web interface:

docker compose run --rm api create-user USERNAME PASSWORD --admin

3. Open the Yeti web UI

Head to http://localhost:80/ and log in with the credentials you just created.