File Storage Clients & Export Configuration

File Storage Clients & Export Configuration

This section describes what file storage clients are, how to configure them, and how they relate to exports in yeti.

What does a File Storage Client Look Like?

File Storage Clients are pluggable clients and use the following API:

class FileStorageClient:
    PREFIX: str

    def __init__(self, path: str):

    def file_path(self, file_name: str) -> str:

    def get_file(self, file_name: str) -> str:

    def put_file(self, file_name: str, contents: str) -> None:

    def delete_file(self, file_name: str) -> None:

Implementing a class with the above spec and then including it in the core/clients/file_storage/classes/ directory yeti will immediately begin using your new client.

How Does Yeti Decide What File Storage Clients to Use?

Decision making for File Storage Client are done via the PREFIX you provide for your class.

Thus far there are only two support clients: local storage (default) and S3.

from core.clients.file_storage import get_client

s3_client = get_client("s3://bucketname/prefix")
local_storage_client = get_client("/opt/yeti/exports")

In the above example two clients are created: The first implemented S3 Client matches the prefix s3:// and will initialize a boto client to interact with S3 compatible bucket. The second client setups up a local storage client which will interact with the local disk of the system. All paths that do not match one an existing prefix of one the client will default to using the local storage client.

How to Configure a File Storage Client?

Currently, the only use for File Storage Client is for storage of export tasks as configured through the system.export_path config value.

In order to provide flexible support for clients like boto3, environment variable are used for configuration and permissioning.

These environment variables can be injected several different ways, but the easiest is just including them in the docker-compose.yaml

+    env:
      - /

+    env:
    command: ['tasks']
Note: For S3 there are several different environment variables to configure everything from different providers to how authentication to the buckets are done and much more. Shown above is just a common pattern, not an all-encompassing one.

The you can include your secret credentials in a .env file.


The following are a list of file storage clients and general configuration required for them:

Local Storage

local_storage is the default client used. If none of the loaded Client Prefixes match the path you provide, then local_storage will be used.


from core.clients.file_storage import get_client

local_storage_client = get_client("/opt/yeti/exports")


Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a scalable object storage service used for storing and retrieving any amount of data at any time and is a common spec used by other cloud providers and file storage services.

If you configured path starts with: s3:// then the S3StorageClient will be loaded:

from core.clients.file_storage import get_client

local_storage_client = get_client("s3://bucket-name/path/")

S3 Bucket Configuration

Add respective configuration for accessing your bucket as an environment variable; this is easiest done in docker-compose.yaml:

+    env:
      - /

+    env:
    command: ['tasks']

Install the s3 Extra

As s3 is an optional feature; you will need to included installation of it’s dependencies.

This can be done by adding --extras s3 to your existing poetry install:

poetry install --extras s3