Yeti Package

Yeti Package

Yeti Package helps creating a bundle of mixed yeti objects. It supports:

  • all observable types and will create generic type with a tag if type is not implemented as an observable.
  • all available entities and indicators
  • link between defined objects

Here’s one example:

   "timestamp": "2024-09-24T08:31:29.312Z",
   "source": "honeypot",
   "tags": {
      "global": ["honeypot", "exploitation"],
      "": ["one_tag"]
   "observables": [
         "value": "",
         "type": "ipv4"
         "value": "Go-http-client/1.1",
         "type": "user_agent"
         "value": "ubuntu:18.04",
         "type": "docker_image"
         "value": "/bin/bash",
         "type": "command_line"
   "entities": [
         "name": "docker malicious campaign",
         "type": "campaign",
         "description": "### Docker container creation attempt\n* ```ubuntu:18.04```\n* ```/bin/bash```\n"
   "indicators": {},
   "relationships": {
         "docker malicious campaign": [
               "target": "",
               "link_type": "observes"
               "target": "ubuntu:18.04",
               "link_type": "creates"
               "target": "/bin/bash",
               "link_type": "executes"
         "": [
               "target": "Go-http-client/1.1",
               "link_type": "uses"
               "target": "ubuntu:18.04",
               "link_type": "creates"
               "target": "/bin/bash",
               "link_type": "executes"

This package will create a campaign named “docker malicious campaign” with the following observables:

  • ipv4: 88.173.200[.]156
  • user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1
  • docker_image: ubuntu:18.04
  • command_line: /bin/bash

The following relationships will also be created:

  • 88.173.200[.]156 –> uses –> Go-http-client/1.1
  • 88.173.200[.]156 –> creates –> ubuntu:18.04
  • –> executes –> /bin/bash

The campaign itself will be linked with:

  • 88.173.200[.]156 and observes link
  • ubuntu:18.04 and creates link
  • /bin/bash and executes link

All elements will be tagged with honeypot and exploitation and 88.173.200[.]156 will be tagged with one_tag