

To ease observables creation, new functions have been implemented in observable module:

>>> from core.schemas import observable
>>> observable.guess_type("192.168.1[.]2")
>>> observable.create(value="192.168.1[.]2")
IPv4(value='', created=datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 29, 23, 57, 4, 504655, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), context=[], last_analysis={}, type='ipv4', id=None, tags={}, root_type='observable')
>>> observable.find(value="192.168.1[.]2")
>>> observable.save(value="192.168.1[.]2")
IPv4(value='', created=datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 29, 23, 57, 20, 82795, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)), context=[], last_analysis={}, type='ipv4', id='5638348', tags={}, root_type='observable')
>>> observable.find(value="192.168.1[.]2")
IPv4(value='', created=datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 29, 23, 57, 20, 82795, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)), context=[], last_analysis={}, type='ipv4', id='5638348', tags={}, root_type='observable')

Guess observable type from value

guess_type(value: str)

Guess which observable type can validate value string. If the value can be validated by an observable, its type is returned as a string. If the value can’t be guessed, None is returned.

From string


Create an observable from the given string value without saving it in the database. It’s up to the caller to then call save() on the returned object to save it in the database.

create(value: str, type: str | None = None, **kwargs)
  • Params

    • value: a string defining the observable.
    • type: an optional string defining the type of the observable. If type is not provided, it will be guessed by calling guess_type.
    • kwargs: a dictionary defining further attributes depending on the type of the observable.
  • Returns If the function call succeeds, the created observable is returned. Otherwise, an ValueError exception is raised.


Use create function and save observable in the database. Tag the resulting observable with the list of tags if defined.

save(*, value: str, type: str | None = None, tags: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> ObservableTypes
  • Params

    • value: a string defining the observable.
    • type: an optional string defining the type of the observable. If type is not provided, it will be guessed by calling guess_type.
    • tags: an optional list of strings corresponding to the tags to add to the saved observable.
    • kwargs: a dictionary defining further attributes depending on the type of the observable.
  • Returns If the function call succeeds, the saved observable is returned. Otherwise, an ValueError exception is raised.

From text


Create observables from the given text. Each line must contain one observable. Guess the type of the observable and create it. Created observable are not saved in the database.

create_from_text(text: str)
  • Params
    • text: a string containing one observable per line.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of created observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.


Use create_from_text function and save observables in the database. Tag the resulting observables with the list of tags if defined.

save_from_text(text: str, tags: List[str] = None)
  • Params
    • text: a string containing one observable per line.
    • tags: an optional list of strings corresponding to the tags to add to the saved observables.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of saved observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.

From file


Create observables from the given file. Each line must contain one observable. Guess the type of the observable and creates it. Created observables are not saved in the database.

create_from_file(file: FileLikeObject)
  • Params
    • file: Represents a file in different ways:
      • str, bytes or os.PathLike: the provided file path will be opened for reading lines
      • io.IOBase: any file object either created from open or based on io classes
      • tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile: defined to support API endpoint from UploadFile FastAPI.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of created observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.


Use create_from_file function and save observables into the database. Tag the resulting observables with the list of tags if defined.

save_from_file(file: FileLikeObject, tags: List[str] = None)
  • Params
    • file: Represents a file in different ways:
      • str, bytes or os.PathLike: the provided file path will be opened for reading lines
      • io.IOBase: any file object either created from open or based on io classes
      • tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile: defined to support API endpoint from UploadFile FastAPI.
    • tags: an optional list of strings corresponding to the tags to add to the saved observables.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of saved observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.

From a url


Create observables from the given url. Each line must contain one observable. Guess the type of the observable and create it. Created observables are not saved in the database.

create_from_url(url: str)
  • Params
    • url: a string defining the URL to fetch the content from.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of created observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.


Use create_from_url function and save observables in the database. Tag the resulting observabls with the list of tags if defined.

save_from_url(url: str, tags: List[str] = None)
  • Params
    • url: a string defining the URL to fetch the content from.
    • tags: an optional list of strings corresponding to the tags to add to the saved observables.
  • Returns A tuple containing a list of saved observables and a list of string for unguessable lines.

Find an observable object

find(value: str, **kwargs)

Find an observable in the database matching the string value and optional fields represented by kwargs. This function automatically refangs defanged value before querying the database. Return an observable object.



Validators are enforced for observables listed below. Validators ensure that provided value is relevant and that an for example an IPv4 observable cannot be built from a Url.

  • bic
  • email
  • hostname
  • iban
  • ipv4
  • ipv6
  • mac_address
  • md5
  • path
  • sha1
  • sha256
  • url
Validators enforcement also impacts url observable creation which requires a scheme to be valid. This means that example.com/foobar is no longer a valid url.

Implementation details

Value validation relies on pydandic field_validator decorator. Any observable implementation that requires validation must implement validate_value class method with @field_validator("value") decorator. validate_value is also where refang of the value takes place. If the value is not valid, ValueError exception must be raised. Otherwise, the value (modified or not) must be returned as a string.

class IPv4(observable.Observable):
    type: Literal["ipv4"] = "ipv4"

    def validate_value(cls, value: str) -> str:
        value = observable.refang(value)
        if not validators.ipv4(value):
            raise ValueError("Invalid ipv4 address")
        return value